Senin, 15 November 2010

Make the healthy choice the easier one

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Make the Healthy Choice the Easier One

There's been a big push over the last couple of years to improve the quality of school lunches. But simply making healthier choices available in school cafeterias isn't enough. You have to figure out how to get the kids to choose those healthier options.
Foods That Protect Your Skin From Within
According to researchers from Cornell University, simple things—such as making healthy foods more visible and more convenient—work wonders. But why stop at the school cafeteria? These tricks work at home, too. Read more about the "behavioral economics" of healthy eating on the Nutrition Data Blog.

Promoting healthier food choices at home and school is one thing. But when it comes to giving diet advice to coworkers, Nutrition Data readers agree that it's probably best to lead by example—and leave it at that. Join the conversation about giving (unsolicited) nutrition advice on the Nutrition Data Blog.

Cornbread Stuffing

A half cup of cornbread stuffing (about the size of an ice-cream scoop) contains 179 calories and 22 grams of carbohydrates, so enjoy it in moderation. nutrient balance chart For a complete nutritional analysis of cornbread stuffing and 10,000 other foods, click here.

Nutrient of the Week: Tryptophan

Tryptophan is an amino acid that can induce sleepiness by increasing serotonin levels. However, the nutrient acts as a sleep-inducing agent only when taken on an empty stomach: If you feel sleepy after a big turkey dinner, it's probably not the tryptophan in the bird but rather the effort of digestion (or the wine!). For a list of foods high in tryptophan: Get the ND facts.

Nutrition Rx: What to Eat If You're Taking Antidepressants

Antidepressant medications may deplete your body of certain nutrients. If you're taking an antidepressant, be sure to eat foods that can help support you nutritionally. Learn more on the Nutrition Data Blog.

Thanksgiving Without the Misgivings

It wouldn't be Thanksgiving without mashed potatoes and stuffing, but be sure to round out the menu with plenty of healthful seasonal vegetables, such as puréed squash, steamed green beans, sauerkraut, beets, or Brussels sprouts. Get more diet-friendly side dishes.

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